
Information pursuant to Sec. 5 of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz – TMG):
Dr. Thomas Helck

Ludwigstraße 8
80539 Munich

Telephone: +49 89 20 6021 171
Member of the chamber of attorneys (Rechtsanwaltskammer) of Munich


Competent Supervisory Authority
Rechtsanwaltskammer Munich, Tal 33, 80331 Munich, Germany, The professional title „Rechtsanwalt“ was awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany.

German qualified attorney

The Professional indemnity insurance is concluded with:
Allianz Versicherungs-AG

Scope of the insurance:
Professional indemnity insurance pursuant to Sec. 51a German Federal Code of the Legal Profession (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung – BRAO)

Website Notes
Online dispute resolution and consumer dispute resolution (Art. 14(1) Online Dispute Resolution Regulation and Sec. 36 of the German Consumer-Protection Act (Verbraucherschutzgesetz))

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution that can be found at

HELCK Legal does not participate in dispute-resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration panel.

Dr. Thomas Helck studied law at the Universities of Munich, Bayreuth, Lausanne (Switzerland) and Heidelberg. He completed his legal traineeship at the major international law firm Buddle Findlay LLP in New Zealand.

After his second state examination, he completed his doctorate in criminal law before being admitted to the German bar in 2005 and working as an associate at the major American law firm Skadden, Arps Slate Meagher & Flom, where he dealt with compliance issues, amongst other matters.

Dr. Helck then moved to the Munich Public Prosecutor’s Office, where he learnt first-hand about the workings and interaction of investigative authorities. As a public prosecutor, he was responsible for the investigation, prosecution, and criminal trial of complex economic offences, specifically in matters concerning insolvency fraud and bankruptcy, tax evasion, corruption, breach of trust, fraud and computer fraud, withholding and embezzlement of remuneration, moonlighting, unlawful restraint of competition, market manipulation and insider trading.

After five years, Dr. Helck returned to private practice and built up the white-collar crime department at the ‘magic circle’ law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP in Germany. Subsequently, Dr. Helck was a partner in the „White Collar/Investigations“ department at the renowned US law firm White & Case LLP before founding the law firm HELCK Legal.

Dr. Thomas Helck stu­dierte Rechts­wis­sen­schaften an den Uni­ver­si­tä­ten Mün­chen, Bay­reuth, Lau­sanne (Schweiz) und Hei­del­berg. Den ju­ris­ti­schen Vor­be­rei­tungs­dienst (Re­fe­ren­da­ri­at) ab­sol­vier­te er un­ter an­de­rem bei der in­ter­na­tio­na­len Groß­kanz­lei Bud­dle Find­lay LLP in Neu­see­land.

Nach dem zwei­ten Staat­sex­amen folg­te die Pro­mo­tion zu einem straf­recht­li­chen The­ma, be­vor er 2005 als Rechts­an­walt zu­ge­las­sen wurde und sich als As­so­ci­a­te bei der ame­ri­ka­ni­schen Groß­kanz­lei Skad­den, Arps Slate Mea­gher & Flom un­ter an­de­rem mit Com­pli­ance-The­men be­fass­te.

An­schlie­ßend wech­sel­te Helck zur Staats­an­walt­schaft Mün­chen I und lernte dort die Ar­beits­wei­se und das Zu­sam­men­wir­ken von Er­mit­tlungs­be­hör­den aus er­ster Hand ken­nen. Als Staats­an­walt war er für die Er­mit­tlung, An­klage und straf­ge­richt­li­che Ver­hand­lung kom­ple­xer Wirt­schafts­straftaten in­be­son­de­re aus den Be­rei­chen In­sol­venz­ver­schlep­pung und Bank­rott, Steu­er­hin­ter­zie­hung, Kor­rup­ti­on, Un­treue, Be­trug und Com­pu­ter­be­trug, Vor­ent­hal­ten und Ver­un­treu­en von Ar­beits­ent­gelt, Schwarz­arbeit, un­zuläs­si­ge Wet­t­be­werbs­be­schrän­kung, Markt­ma­ni­pul­a­tion und In­sider­han­del zu­stän­dig.

Nach fünf Jahren wech­sel­te Helck zu­rück in die An­walts­chaft und bau­te bei der bri­ti­schen Groß­kanz­lei Fresh­fields Bruck­haus Der­in­ger LLP den Be­reich Wirt­schafts­straf­recht in Deutsch­land auf. An­schlie­ßend war Helck Part­ner im Be­reich „White Col­lar/In­ves­ti­ga­tions“ bei der ame­ri­ka­ni­schen Groß­kanz­lei White & Case LLP, be­vor er die Rechts­an­walts­kanz­lei HELCK Legal grün­de­te.